4 disadvantages to using the horrible pie chart

Despite its popularity, there are several reasons why a pie chart can be considered useless:

· 2 min read
4 disadvantages to using the horrible pie chart
Photo by Diliara Garifullina / Unsplash

A pie chart is a common type of data visualisation that is used to display the proportions of different categories within a given data set. It consists of a circle divided into slices, with each slice representing a different category, and the size of the slice representing the proportion of the category within the data set. However, despite its popularity, there are several reasons why a pie chart can be considered useless:

  1. Pie charts can be difficult to read and interpret: The human eye is not well-suited to accurately compare the sizes of pie chart slices, especially when there are a large number of slices or the differences in size are small. This can make it difficult to accurately interpret the data represented by a pie chart, and can lead to misunderstandings or incorrect conclusions.
  2. Pie charts only show proportions, not absolute values: A pie chart only shows the proportions of different categories within a given data set. It does not provide any information about the absolute values of the data, such as the total number of observations or the total sum of the data. As a result, a pie chart can be misleading, and can give a false impression of the underlying data.
  3. Pie charts can be distorted by variations in the number of categories: The proportions shown in a pie chart are affected by the number of categories in the data set. A pie chart with a large number of categories may have very small slices that are difficult to accurately compare, while a pie chart with a small number of categories may have large slices that dominate the chart. This can make it difficult to accurately compare pie charts with different numbers of categories.
  4. Pie charts cannot show multiple variables: A pie chart can only show one variable at a time, and it is not possible to use a pie chart to display the relationship between multiple variables. This can make it difficult to use a pie chart to answer complex questions or to identify trends or patterns in the data.

In conclusion, while pie charts can be a useful tool for displaying simple data sets, they have several limitations that make them unsuitable for many data analysis tasks. They can be difficult to read and interpret, they only show proportions, not absolute values, they can be distorted by variations in the number of categories, and they cannot show multiple variables. As a result, pie charts should be used with caution, and alternative data visualisation methods should be considered whenever possible.

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